Wednesday, September 14, 2005
IPods Debut
The first early article entitled New IPods Debut and a Marketing Medium, Too, was dated February 23, 2005. This article came from Information Week and was written by Thomas Claburn. He gives plenty of details about how a podcast works, who developed it, and the companies involved with podcasting. He says that Apple’s portable audio devices have created a whole new channel for audio content delivery known as “podcasting.” Another phenomenon of podcasting is the alert service, called “LiveMessage”, that tells listeners when a new podcast has been released. MessageCast Inc, is a software company that makes real-time messaging tools. Royal Farros, CEO of MessageCast says "…podcasting is the audio extension of TiVo. But, podcasting is even more important than TiVo because there was no equivalent service before it.” I am not surprised that there are completely unheard of communication mediums popping up technology is advancing at an incredible pace. Another interesting idea for making podcasting profitable was presented in this article; the concept of “advertorials” which are 10 to 45 minute interviews with product vendors. Does this sound familiar to anyone? (183)