Sunday, May 06, 2012

Rest First

I have begun a new endeavor – something I have never done before.  I am going to read through the Bible in Chronological order (not order of the books, but chronologically, as they happened).  I just started this and I am excited to announce I have already learned something very significant for my marriage.  I was right and Emily was wrong.
Emily and I both like to relax, but it is the “when should we relax” question that we often debate.  You see, Emily can’t relax if she knows there are significant amounts of work to be done.  She needs to work first, check things off her list, and then she can sit down and rest.  But in my opinion, a part of resting is knowing there are things to be done and I ain’t doing them!  This is a debate we have been having for almost 9 years now (that’s how long we have been married).  And today, I finally found scripture that shows I was right!
We often think that we are supposed to rest on the 7th day – that is what God did.  However, as I was reading a passage of scripture today that I have read hundreds of times before (Genesis 1 and 2) I saw something new (now I am certain I am not the first to see this, it’s just the first time this “struck” me or occurred to me).  On the 6th day God created man, and on the 7th day God rested.   Now, that was God’s seventh day of creation, but that was man’s first day.  Man was to rest on the first day, not the seventh.  Rest first, work second.
