Tuesday, June 04, 2013


Adultery ... Far Worse than You Might Think
Biblical Insights that are Out of Sight (part 1)
Biblical Insights that are Out of Sight (part 2)
Born To Die: The REAL Christmas Story
Confession - Insight into the Real You
Confession - The Ultimate Test of Truthfulness
Counseling Must be Based Solely on the Bible
Discipleship Must be Based Solely on the Bible
Divine Sufficiency or Divine Deficiency
Do You Really Believe What You Say About Prayer?
Every Thought Captive
False Teaching In The Church And How To Oppose It
False Teaching that is Easily Recognized and Exposed
Forgetting Your Sins . . . What Does the Bible Say?
Free Speech Either Exalts Self or Honors God
God's Truth is Your Foundation for Life
Good Works are not Good Enough and do not Work
Grace, Mercy, and Peace
Gratifying Yourself or Glorifying Your Savior
Heaven ... Are You Going There?
Illuminating the Gray Areas of Life
Is Jesus Lord of Your Life?
Is Self-Love Biblical?
Lies and More Lies: Can Lying be Eliminated?
Life's Most Important Decision
Living a Life of Grace and Truth
Living by Faith or Living by Feelings
Rejecting Popular Untruths - Forgiving Yourself and Forgetting Your Sins
Salvation Explained by the Romans Road
Spiritual Realities Before and After Receiving Christ
Taking God's Name in Vain is More than Cursing
Telling the Truth is Naturally Impossible
The Futility of Forgiving Yourself
The Most Difficult People In The World - Fools and Scoffers
Trinity - Think Bigger
TRUTH - The Measurement for All Aspects of Life and Relationships
Truth in Life Basic for Growth in Christ
Truth is Personal, Not Merely a Concept
Unmasking Lies that Masquerade as Truth
What Do You Believe? . . . No, Really
Words - The Thermometer of Your Heart
Your Way or God’s Way … Your Choice