Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Never Forget!

Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it!!!
'Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.'
 George Santayana

It's NOT just our national or world history, it's family, friends, and experiences.  We should never let go of our past, our heritage, our family, or our memories; both good and bad.  They are what makes us who we are today.  I would be a strange blank canvas if all I did and all I knew was erased.  Why ask me to erase parts of my life in favor of some psychological theory that I will be a BETTER person because I have forgotten things and thrown memories away????
Remember the Holocaust!
Remember the Alamo!
Never forget Virginia Tech!
American Genocide 1915 Never Again!
Operation Fever Forget our Fallen Hero's!
Never forget 9-11!

In the early 1930s Germany was a democracy and out of money. The Great Depression and restitution payments to France and England from WWI meant the government was out of money. The only way it could pay its bills was to print more money. But each time they printed that made the German mark worth less so they just printed more. Eventually it took a basket full of marks to buy a loaf of bread. With both depression and inflation running wild savings were worthless and unemployment soared. Even the richest industrialists began to suffer. Desperate for a savior, the Germans elected a strong leader who promised to change everything... Adolf Hitler. 

President Herbert Hoover had been a successful engineer and Republican. He personally helped thousands of Americans to escape Europe when WWI broke out. Hoover believed in business, not government, so when the stock market crashed in 1929 he felt that it was not the government's job to restore the economy. His government did little and the result of that was The Great Depression. The opinion of the millions of unemployed and homeless gathered in shanty towns made of clap board and primitive tents of this was obvious. They called their settlements "Hoovervilles". Promising to do Something, Franklin Roosevelt swept the 1932 Presidential election.

FDR was winning the economic battle. From 1933 to 1937 unemployment fell from 25% to 14%. Feeling the nation had permanently turned the corner on Depression, the up for election Congress in 1936 voted a popular bonus to veterans (over FDR's veto) and the Federal Reserve stopped giving a priority to boosting growth. Then in 1937 that era's stimulus program expired, raising taxes on all businesses and investment. It also seemed like a good time to implement an expensive, new social program. So they began gathering Social Security taxes, lowering everyone's paycheck. Within a year the "Depression with the Depression" had begun with unemployment rising to 19% and the economy again shrinking. Only WWII reversed the downward trend.

Also: http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/holocaust-memorial-day-2016-10-reasons-its-essential-we-never-forget-this-uniquely-evil-event-1540238